Embbeded web to test Controllino MICRO features

The project provides an easy to install tool to test the main features of the Controllino MICRO by serving an embedded web application directly from the device, easilly accesible from any web browser.

Fast get started

    • Download latest firmware

    1. Controllino MICRO RS485 .uf2 https://github.com/CONTROLLINO-PLC/micro_embedded_web/releases/download/global/web_micro_rs485.uf2
    2. Controllino MICRO CAN .uf2 https://github.com/CONTROLLINO-PLC/micro_embedded_web/releases/download/global/web_micro_can.uf2


    • Upload firmware

For easy installation first it is necessary to put the device in bootloader mode, to do this:

    1. First method: Without external power press the boot button while connecting the USB cable, and then release the button.
    2. Second method: Press both boot and reset buttons at the same time, then release the reset button and finally release the boot button.


The board will appear as a mass storage device, copy then the .uf2 file to the device, it will reboot and start the web server

    • Connect to the web server

The default IP address is and the default user and password are admin and admin respectively so just open a browser and go to to access the web server. Enjoy!

OTA(Over Ethernet) Firmware update


In the tap FIRMWARE UPDATE you can update the firmware using the OTA feature.

    1. The firmware update process begin by uploading a new .bin firmware file on UPLOAD NEW FIRMWARE: CHOOSE .BIN FILE button, after uploaded the status of this current firmware will be MG_OTA_UNCOMMITTED.
    2. To mark the uploaded firmware to be applied in the next reboot COMMIT THIS FIRMWARE button must be pressed, the status will change to MG_OTA_COMMITTED.
    3. After the next reboot for example by pressing the REBOOT DEVICE button the firmware will be updated and the status will change to MG_OTA_FIRST_BOOT.
    4. On the next reboot the current firmware will be saved as previous firmware with the status MG_OTA_COMMITTED and the current firmware info will be reseted. At any point you can come back to this old firmware by pressing the ROLLBACK TO THIS FIRMWARE button, except if a new firmware goes through all the process.
    5. When pressing the ROLLBACK TO THIS FIRMWARE button the board will reboot and apply the previous firmware kepping previous firmware info.





Here there are some .bin files to test the OTA feature:

Tools and technologies used

    • PlatformIO to manage the project and build the firmware.

    • Mongoose web server as core to genrate the web server app.

    • React js to develop the web app.

Internal and external dependencies description

    • Mongoose web server application lib/webapp based on device dashboard example

    • External dependencies installed with PlatformIO see platformio.ini
        • ArduinoJson

        • ArduinoRS485

Web development project

Developed on react js uses also gulp to automate some parts of the build process, trying to generate the minimal weight app to embed in the microcontroller.

On PlatformIO build build_web.py script is executed to build the web app into lib/webapp/packed_fs.c source file that later is compiled with the firmware.


    • node v18.x.x

    • npm v8.x.x

    • react v18.x.x

    • Python 3.x.x

Manual setup for web development

cd webdev

npm install

Start development server

npm run dev

React project description



1.Ease of Use and Installation

This project offers a simple and quick approach to testing the functionalities of the Controllino MICRO through an embedded web server accessible from any browser, eliminating the need for complex configurations or external tools.

2.Intuitive OTA Updates

The implementation of the OTA firmware update system ensures an efficient workflow for keeping the device up to date, allowing testing, rollback, and management of firmware versions in a reliable and user-friendly manner.

3.Integration of Modern Tools

Combining technologies such as PlatformIO, React, and Mongoose demonstrates a commitment to modern and efficient development, ensuring optimal performance for both the firmware and the web application.

4.Flexibility and Customization

Thanks to the modular structure of the project, developers can customize both the firmware and the web application according to their specific needs, using well-organized and documented components.

5.Contribution to the Open-Source Community

By leveraging open-source dependencies and providing clear documentation, this project fosters collaboration and learning within the community, making it accessible and extensible for other developers.

6.Solid Foundation for Future Developments

This project not only meets current needs for testing and configuring the Controllino MICRO but also lays a scalable foundation to integrate additional functionalities and extend its capabilities in the future.

7.Educational and Professional Benefits

Combining hardware and software in this project makes it a valuable tool for both enthusiasts and professionals, facilitating understanding and experimentation with modern embedded technologies.


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